Libri ufficiali

  1. Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie – The C Programming Language
  2. Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie – The C Programming Language – ANSI C
  3. Bjarne Stroustrup – The C++ Programming Language

IDE gratuiti

Web – In italiano

  1. Wikipedia: C
  2. Wikipedia: C++
  3. HTML.it – C++
  4. Mr. Webmaster – C
  5. Mr. Webmaster – C++
  6. Wikibooks – C
  7. Wikibooks – Dal C al C++
  8. Wikibooks – Ottimizzare C++
  9. Il linguaggio di programmazione C++ standard

Web – In inglese

  1. Bjarne Stroustrup’s Homepage
  2. cplusplus.com – The C++ Resources Network
  3. cppreference.com – C/C++ Reference
  4. Standard C++
  5. cprogramming.com – Your resources for C and C++
  6. learncpp.com – Learn C++