Vedi: Scratch > Starter Projects | Scratch > Scratchteam
- Dance Party
- Animate the Crab
- Animate the Show: Intro
- Greeting Card
Tutti i progetti in ordine alfabetico
- Animate the Crab
- Animate the Show: Intro
- Bubbles with Video Sensing
- Dance Party
- DJ Scratch Cat
- Dress Up Tera
- Greeting Card
- Hide and Seek
- Introducing Howler! Remix
- Maze Starter
- Musical Buttons
- Paint width Gobo
- Piano
- Pizza Chef
- Pongo Starter
- Random Facts about Me
- Remix this dance
- Save the Mini-Fogs!
- Soundflower
- Spiral Maker
- Starfish Coir
- Teens at the Castle
- Virtual Tour
- Wizard Spells
- Pongo Starter
- Maze Starter
- Hide and Seek
- Dress Up Tera
Arte Interattiva
- Paint width Gobo
- Wizard Spells
- Soundflower
- Spiral Maker
Musica e Danza
- Remix this dance
- Piano
- Starfish Coir
- DJ Scratch Cat
- Random Facts about Me
- Introducing Howler! Remix
- Teens at the Castle
- Virtual Tour
Movimento Webcam
- Musical Buttons
- Bubbles with Video Sensing
- Save the Mini-Fogs!
- Pizza Chef