La presentazione del sito ufficiale

The Persistence oVision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics.
It is available in official versions for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X and i86 Linux.
The source code is available for those wanting to do their own ports.

POV-Ray è uno strumento software per la creazione di grafica 3D, gratuito, multipiattaforma, open source…

L’immagine a destra, una .gif animata, è stata realizzata con poche righe di codice


Tre sferecamera – light_source – sphere
Tre sfere trasparentitransmit
Tre sfere riflettentireflection
Tre assicone – cylinder
Pavimento e paretibackground – plane
Caratteri, cifre e simbolichar_…
I loghi ufficialiPovray_Logo_…
Cubi wireframecylinder – sphere – Wire_Box_Union
Anellitorus – while
Catenetorus – while
Logo ufficiale animatoPovray_Logo_…
Sfere in movimentoInitial_Frame – Final_Frame – Initial_Clock – Final_Clock
Ruote rotanti




  • chars.inc
  • colors.inc
  • consts.inc
  • logo.inc
  • strings.inc
  • functions.inc
  • math.inc
  • rand.inc
  • shapes.inc
  • shapes_old.inc
  • shapes2.inc
  • shapesq.inc
  • transforms.inc
  • stdinc.inc
  • stdinc.inc contiene: colors.inc, consts.inc, functions.inc math.inc, rand.inc, shapes.inc, trasform.inc


  • golds.inc
  • metals.inc
  • glass.inc
  • glass_old.inc
  • stones.inc
  • stones1.inc
  • stones2.inc
  • stoneold.inc
  • woods

La scena


  • #declare
  • #include

I collegamenti sono da controllare (dopo 15 anni)

Sito ufficiale

Documentazione – Oggetti – Download – Galleria – Collegamenti – Wiki – Newsgroup

Manuali / tutorial / macro

  1. Andrea Lohmüller + Friedrich A. Lohmüller
  2. The Online POV-Ray Tutorial
  3. Manuale POV-Ray Traduzione in italiano v. 3.01
  4. Isosurface Tutorial
  5. The World of POV-Ray The POVRay Objects Collection
  6. ClockMod Advanced POV-Ray 3D Animation for Beginners.
  7. POV-Ray Include Files Page A collection of include files for POV-Ray.
  8. JK’s POV-Ray pages
  9. Beginning Tutorial
  10. La terza dimensione
  11. John’s Raytracing Pages


  1. Andrea Lohmüller + Friedrich A. Lohmüller
  2. Mathematical Imagery Refraction, Sculptures, Spirograph animations, The shape of Planet Earth, …
  3. Dimension Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed!
  4. Jaime Vives Piqueres The Persistence of Ignorance is a gallery of computer generated images. I create these images with a Raytracer, a kind of program that uses a 3D technique called (obviously) Raytracing to obtain a picture from a virtual scene, previously defined.
  5. Gilles Tran Oyonale is dedicated to digital art, particularly art created with 3D rendering software, particularly POV-Ray, Cinema 4D, FinalRender and Poser.
  6. Tor Olav Kristensen
  7. Mick Hazelgrove
  8. Stephen J. Lenehan I’ve decided to set up a web site to show off my art work which I have created in Pov-Ray. I also want to share links, tutorials and source code.
  9. Ugo’s Web Page Queste pagine sono mirate ad aiutare il principiante che vorrebbe avvicinarsi al mondo di POV-Ray, data la scarsità sul web di risorse per POV-Ray in italiano.

Software ausiliario

  1. GDesign Generative art, architecture and design with LSystems and Cellular Automata. Export your designs to TGA or BMP bitmaps (2D) or to POVRay and 3DMax scripts (3D).
  2. Dave’s Targa Animator (DTA) Da una serie di immagini di animazione di POV-Ray a un file video.
  3. Moray A Wireframe Modeller for POV-Ray 3.x.
  4. JPatch JPatch is a spline based 3D modeling tool (a patch modeler). It can be used to create 3D models for POV-Ray or RenderMan® compatible renderers (e.g. Aqsis).
  5. KPovModeler KPovModeler is a modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray(TM) scenes in KDE.
  6. MegaPOV MegaPOV is a custom unofficial version of POV-Ray with a lot of additional features.
  7. Povray and others tools for Linux
  8. neXtgen POV-Ray Editor neXtgen Povray Editor (XPE) is a graphical editor for Povray based on wxWidgets library.
  9. The LionSnake Modeler This modeler is designed for creating posable subdivision surface models for use with the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer, but you can also use it for editing Alias/Wavefront mesh files.